Seasonal book launches

The Autumn seasonnal book launches celebrated the newest publications from 8 local/international independent publishers, artists, and designers 
at Kalasataman Seripaja.

This season’s exciting launch included ISLA Journal #3, Almost All the Flowers in My Mother’s Garden by Hilla Kurki, Khaos Publishing, Enlichened by Jan Konsin and Anna Jaatinen, Recycle, Kontour #10, bie bao series, volume 1 and From Scratch, Albanian Summer Picaresque by Rab Rab Press, Farewell, Claw! by Juho Taavitsainen & Sakari Tervo, Rooftop Press, Vantaanjoki puhuu by Kati Ruohomäki, The Realm of Dreams by Jaakko Suomalainen.